Friday, November 7, 2014

Digital Badge J


Duke University. (2014, September 14). Center for Instructional Technology. Retrieved from

Maloy, R., Edwards, S., Woolf, B., & Verock, R. (2011). Transforming Learnig with New Technologies. Upper Saddler River, NJ: Perason Education.


1 comment:

  1. Hope you enjoyed seeing the lovely illustrations in Storybird and trying to find good matches to your writing. I bet you can see how this digital tool would be a good one for increasing literacy skills - primarily in the younger grades. The connection of concepts in a 'digital story' enhanced with multimedia is a great creation tool.

    Your thoughts about using student choice as frequently as possible is definitely important for engagement. I also find it is helpful in teaching students how to make good decisions too as they deal with the consequences of their own choices (i.e., not necessarily choosing a good friend as a working partner as they don't get work done and/or too much falls on one, etc). Choice also empowers students and allows them to have 'voice' which is crucial for our future world.
